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Monday, August 31, 2009

Found notes from the urban–archaeology ephemera collection

This was a note given to me the first day I arrived in Bombay, March 1972 by Jal Dastur (my Parsee minder and Meher Baba Lieutenant). It is his address on Forgett Hill written in Hindi if I should ever stray far from my new home?

Found on a seat in the Physics Department, Parnall Building, Queensland University last Tuesday evening. I went to a Horology lecture by Allan Emmerson from my NAWCC Chapter 104 clock club.

Someone left this in our letter box, sort of charming really.

This handwritten note was left by a visiting Chinese contemporary artist who obviously missed us at home.

This one was a gift from Michael Allen, found in books he bought to re-sell . . . its obviously a playful Morse code.

Another handwritten note left at the house, this one is by our biker-gardener (my brother-in-law), Charlie Howbrigg.

I just love these early typewritter notes, no idea how a Memory Aid works . . . if I ever did I've forgotten.

This folded card houses an extremely delicate, hand made valentine card - easilly 1850's and Australian.

This one was found in a shoe box full of post cards at Scotland Yard Antiques, Marburg, S.E. Qld Australia . . . I picked out all the Tasmanian cards that were there plus one of those early, small business cards one seldom finds and this folded piece - turns out that they all belonged to Bob . . . . . who was the Manager of Paramount Pictures in Brisbane in the 1920s.

This one is a mystery . . . although Simon Jackman from Palo Alto writes that it is an electrical diagram.

I found this one only last week on my morning walk, it was rolled up like a chimney (I wondered what the kid was going to smoke with it)?

another one plucked from a 1900's note book - no names . . .

finally, my own note scribbled during a cable show on the History channel a while back.

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